Javascript license information

All Javascript code used in this website is Free Software.
The table below displays script files that may be used on some pages, their sources and licenses, where it’s not available in the script files themselves.
If you find any broken links, please report it to us.

Script License Source
carousel.min.js.js GPL-2.0 carousel
jquery.js Expat JQuery v3.6.1
jquery-migrate.min.js Expat JQuery Migrate v3.3.2
front.min.js Expat front
waypoints.min.js Expat Waypoints-4.0.1
wow.min.js GPL-2.0 wow
wow-init.js GPL-2.0 wow init
jquery.sticky.js Expat JQuery Sticky Plugin
scripts.js GPL-2.0 Scripts
navigation.js GPL-2.0 Navigation
skip-link-focus-fix.js GPL-2.0 Skip Link Focus Fix
jquery.fitvids.js WTFPL FitVids 1.1
wp-embed.min.js GPL-2.0 WP Embed
jquery.touchSwipe.min.js GPL-2.0 JQuery TouchSwipe Plugin 1.6.6
scripts.js GPL-2.0 Scripts
photon.min.js GPL-2.0 Photon
jquery.jetpack-resize.min.js GPL-2.0 JQuery Jetpack Resize
postmessage.min.js Expat Postmessage
queuehandler.min.js GPL-2.0 Queue Handler
sharing.min.js GPL-2.0 Sharing
form.js GPL-2.0 Form Askimet
comment-reply.min.js GPL-2.0 Comment Reply